Saturday, July 16, 2016

Magnet engines with two or even only one permanent magnet.

The most difficult problem in the design, prototyping and development of the magnet engines  is the creation of new special permanent magnets.

Production of magnets for electric motors has long-term experience and offers excellent product. However, these magnets are not suitable for engines using only permanent magnets. It is necessary to conduct research and development activities with the joint participation of the engine design engineers and creators of the permanent magnet technologies for their production. It is also necessary to conduct experiments and precise measurements of the attractive/repulsive forces of already used and newly created magnets that applicable to the requirements of a new way of converting force of permanent magnets into rotary motion described in this patent

I will explain this using my first 3D printed prototype of the magnet engine. It is made of White Strong & Flexible Plastic (Nylon).

Assembled 3D printed magnet engine.

Magnet engine with frame covers only half of all engine components.

This frame provides free access to the elements of the design at their installation and adjustment.  

3D printed rotor.
Picture of the rotor shows a complex geometric shape of permanent magnets holders. I could install on such a curved surface small 5x5x1mm blocks of Neodymium Magnets to try to follow the curvature of the magnet’s holder. However, a surface consisting of individual magnets is not continuous and smooth, and does not create a uniform magnetic field along the rotor’s magnets. Only magnetic strips of flexible material can provide a full recap of the holder's surface and homogeneity of magnetic field of the strips. I use strips of the Flexible Neodymium magnets. Magnetization direction: through strips thickness.

Some 3D printed components of the engine.

Surfaces to install magnets on the wheels of the dynamic stator are not flat too and their shape can exactly follow only strips of flexible material. I use strips of the Flexible Neodymium magnets here too.

An important feature of flexible magnets is that, following the shape of the holder’s surface the direction of their magnetization always retain through their thickness. Creating solid strong magnet of complex shapes with magnetization direction changing along its length as it is happening with flexible magnets will be a difficult technical challenge.

The design of the engine provides an equal distance between rotor and stator magnets during its operation. In this model, the distance between the rotor and stator magnets and engine power accordingly may vary with the help of a special mechanism in the rotor.
These are only the first steps in building a prototype of this kind of magnet engine. It will be a long and difficult way through research and development investigative activities.

However, the new method for converting magnetic force into rotary motion provides the possibility of using strong magnets of simple geometric forms.

 Magnet engine with two simple cylindrical magnets.

 Magnet engine with only one magnet and steel magnetic disc.

The driving force of the first engine is a repulsive force of two strong magnets, while the driving force of the second engine is power of the steel disc attraction by magnet of cylindrical shape.
The picture below is the Fig. 5 from the description of the Engine and Method that explain the device of the engine and how it works.

Cutaway view through rotor of two magnets engine.

Magnet engine (1) includes a shaft (2) with a platform (3) mounted on a frame (4). Multiple bell cranks assemblies (5) arranged on said platform in a rotor (6) with a first permanent magnet (7) installed on the shaft with its edges on upper hands of the bell cranks (8), the lower hands of which placed against a power rod (9) with guiding wheels (10). Second permanent magnet (18) mounted on frame (4) face to face with the first magnet (7). It has a hole in its centre, which provides free passage through it the rotor shaft (2). Multiple cylindrical wheels (11) with helical rails (12) and own shafts (13) both ends of which connected to flexible joints (14) arranged about the rotor in a first main transmission (15). All shafts (13) seat in the bearing brackets (16) attached to the frame (4) and arranged in a dynamic stator (17) with helical rails (12) under permanent pushing of the guiding wheels (10) in the tangent direction.  Engine design completes the transmission (19) which transmit torque from stator (17) to output shaft (2).
In this engine, bell cranks 8 are used for transmitting the force of permanent magnets through a right angle and its amplification, if necessary, but not for transmitting a motion. Bell crank 8, power rod 9 and guiding wheel 10 are in the same position in bell crank assemblies 5 during engine operation. The guiding wheels 10 is constantly stay on helical rails 12 of the dynamic stator, power rod 9 is in constant contact with the lower hand of  the bell cranks 8 and the guiding wheels 10 and the upper hand of the bell cranks 8 is in constant contact with the magnet 7 or steel disc (in case of the one magnet engine). All of these mechanical elements 8, 9 and 10 transmit the force F to the wheels 11 of the dynamic stator 17 at an acute tangent angle and do not participate in the movement as the distance from the rotor axis to the helical rails 12 on the surface of the dynamic stator’s wheels all the time remains constant. Thus, the platform 3 of the rotor undergoes no pushing from force F, and the whole of its power is applied only to the wheels 11 of the dynamic stator. Wheels of the dynamic stator may not be able to rest under the influence of force on them at an acute tangent angle; they begin rotational motion and involve in motion all the moving parts of the engine.

For more information read full text: